Atomic Lore FAQs
Frequently asked questions about Atomic Lore.
Managing my account
Good news! We have a page already dedicated to setting up and managing your Atomic Lore account here.
Atomic Lore
Learn about our permanent onchain registry, lore, and attestations.
What is countersigning, and how do you do it?
Onchain Collections
Aggregating your fragmented body of work in one Onchain Collection is quick and easy.

Managing my account

What's Atomic Lore?
Atomic Lore is an onchain registry that archives offchain information to onchain permanent storage. This allows users to associate information such as articles, exhibition information, social posts, media files, and more, to an NFT. We currently document everything on both IPFS and Arweave. 

If you’re looking to get started and save your first piece of lore, you can check out our Quick Start Guide here.
Who is Atomic Lore for?
Atomic Lore is for anyone who loves digital art. We support and work with artists, curators, collectors, and cultural institutions to document key milestones that add credibility and context to their NFTs.
Is Atomic Lore free?
Yes! Anyone can add lore to their NFT for free. For power users or those managing larger collections who would prefer to offload the work to someone else, we offer Curation Services and Event Roll-Ups.
What wallets does Atomic Lore support?
Atomic Lore uses Dynamic, which supports over 400 wallets. If it’s your first time setting up a wallet, we recommend starting with MetaMask.
What chains does Atomic Lore support?
Currently, Atomic Lore supports the following blockchains:

Ethereum (ETH)
Base (BASE)
Polygon (MATIC)
Zora (ZORA)
Tezos (XTZ)
Shape (SHAPE)

To keep up with news about future blockchain support, follow our X (Formerly Twitter) account for updates.
How do I set up an account on Atomic Lore?
Getting started on Atomic Lore is easy. Check out our Quick Start Guide to create your account and start signing lore. 
Can I connect multiple wallets?
Yes, you can connect up to 15 wallets to your account. 
Can I sign attestations to a wallet?
Yes, you can now sign attestations to a wallet, which will show up on your user profile. This allows users to associate offchain information to their digital identity.
Can I use Atomic Lore without a wallet?
You can create an Atomic Form account with only an email, and our wallet provider Dynamic will automatically create a wallet address for you. This is essential for you to use our platform and save lore to NFTs. A crypto wallet automatically creates an alphanumeric address which is used as a digital identifier. When you sign a piece of Lore using your wallet, it documents on the blockchain that your wallet executed the signature and you are now associated with that transaction. If you create a username on Atomic Form, your username will replace your wallet address on our website’s frontend. 
What happens if I lose access to my wallet?
You can sign in using the same email that was entered the first time you signed up, even if you don't have access to the wallet that was used.  Accounts can also have multiple wallets associated. To add another wallet, connect to Atomic Lore with your email and on any NFT’s page, click “Sign.” On the Signature module, select the wallet address at the top right and click “Link a new wallet.” 

If you still have trouble accessing your account, you can reach out to our team here. 
How do I create my first wallet?
If it’s your first time creating a crypto wallet, we recommend you start with a wallet provider like MetaMask. You can find instructions on how to create your first MetaMask wallet here.

Atomic Lore

What’s “lore”?
Lore is what we call any digital or online information that provides contextual information about your NFT. This can be articles, offchain sales, tweets, comments, and more – lore tells the story of your digital asset. The technical term for lore is “attestation,” which you can learn more about below. 
What’s an attestation?
An attestation is an onchain message signed to IPFS and Arweave. It’s also the technical term for lore. Let’s break that down. 

Atomic Lore helps users register significant information to the blockchain. This is through attestations, which are digitally signed statements or pieces of information, data, or media. Every time an attestation is signed, you’re archiving it into a digital registry that can be accessed any time, and has no expiration date or ongoing fee. 
How do I revoke an attestation?
Revoking an attestation, or piece of lore, tells the network that your original message is invalid – once a message is signed, it can never be deleted, as it’s stored on the blockchain forever. Revoking is simply telling the network that the information is no longer valid.

When you revoke an attestation on Atomic Lore, it will be removed from your profile and any other locations it originally was displayed. While the original information still lives onchain, it will be marked as revoked and will not show on Atomic Lore. Attestations can only be revoked by the original wallet that signed them.
Can I manually add a transaction to an NFT’s Atomic Lore page?
Users are currently  not able to manually add transactions to Atomic Lore pages. You can add an off-chain sale, which may be countersigned by the artist. You can also add a comment or media upload with the affiliated information saved as a PNG or JPG.
Can I buy or sell NFTs on Atomic Lore?
Users are not currently able to buy or sell NFTs on Atomic Lore. The OpenSea link for most NFTs is linked on the top of their Lore page.
Why does it say “Unknown” on an NFT’s price?
We use a third party API provider to pull an NFT’s price and thumbnail. Any discrepancy in price or metadata is due to an error or lack of information from our third party API provider. 
Can I edit the lore that I sign?
While you cannot edit lore that you’ve already signed, you can revoke the attestation altogether and add the updated information. 
Why should I add lore to my NFT?
Lore is essential contextual information that adds significance to the original NFT. Backing up your information onto permanent storage solutions is a failsafe if an artist or collector no longer has access or cannot find information on social sites like X (Formerly Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, or marketplaces that close. The same goes for media publications, blogs, and any content hosted by a third party.

Many artists find that providing context to their art in one unified place also helps collectors and cultural institutions understand their artwork and their process.
Is Atomic Lore secure?
Atomic Lore requires wallet connection and a verification with a cryptographic signature in order to authenticate a user session. Users are then prompted to sign cryptographic messages to verify an attestation. 
Will a burned NFT still show up on Atomic Lore?
Yes, an NFT that has been burned will still show up on Atomic Lore, as the NFT still exists, but now sits in an inaccessible address and has been taken out of circulation. While the NFT may not be ownable, its history (and lore) is still visible. 
Do you support onchain lending?
Atomic Lore does not currently support onchain lending. If you’d like to document an onchain lend, we recommend adding a comment or a screenshot as a media upload to document this to onchain storage.
Why isn’t my NFT loading?
Atomic Lore uses a third party API provider to pull the NFT’s image. This can result in an NFT’s thumbnail or main image not loading on their individual lore page or collection page. Sometimes, marketplaces have gated or permissioned access to an NFT’s information, making it difficult or impossible for Atomic Form to access any metadata associated with an NFT.

This may also be happening because a marketplace has ceased paying for storage and/or has closed down.
Why does my NFT price say “Unknown” or is incorrect?
Atomic Lore uses a third party API provider to pull an NFT’s price information. Occasionally, our API provider is unable to either pull in updated price information or find updated sales information for an NFT. 


What is countersigning?
Countersigning is a way for a secondary party to verify that information in an attestation is correct. Two kinds of lore contain countersignatures: Proof of Exhibition and Offchain Sales. 
What happens if I select “countersign” accidentally?
You can’t edit an attestation once it’s been signed. Instead, you can revoke the attestation with the original wallet and create a new one to replace the incorrect information.
How do I get rid of “waiting for countersign” on my attestation?
Countersignatures will remain incomplete until the designated second party confirms the attestation.
How do I countersign?
You can find full instructions on how to countersign here

Onchain Collections

What is an Onchain Collection?
Onchain Collections allow users to create an immutable, onchain documentation of an artist's collection. Our Onchain Collections feature supports multiple contracts and fragmented NFTs across marketplaces to create a unified source of truth for an NFT collection. Sign lore to your entire Onchain Collection to document the history, discourse, and behind the scenes of a body of work.
How many NFTs can I add to an Onchain Collection?
You can add up to 5,000 NFTs to an Onchain Collection.
How many contracts can I add to an Onchain Collection?
There is no maximum number of contracts that can be added to your Onchain Collection.
Can I delete or revoke an Onchain Collection once it’s been made?
Currently, Onchain Collections can not be edited or changed once they’ve been signed. This includes any metadata such as images or the description. We recommend saving your Onchain Collection as a draft and double checking all information added before signing/saving. 

If you’d like to revoke your Onchain Collection, please email
Can I make an Onchain Collection on behalf of someone else?
Yes! As an Atomic Lore user, you can create an Onchain Collection on behalf of an artist or another user. When filling out the “Artist Attribution” section of an Onchain Collection, uncheck the box and search for the artist’s username on Atomic Lore or manually input their name.
Help! My thumbnail image isn’t loading.
Uh oh! While we will support direct image upload in the near future, for now, please make sure that your linked image is from a publicly available source, like a marketplace, Arweave, or the open web. An image link pulled from a location that requires a login, like Google Drive, will result in an error image displaying.