Atomic Form FAQs
What is Atomic Form?
Atomic Form is a software company that makes NFT provenance tools for artists, curators, collectors, and digital art enthusiasts. We currently have three offerings: Atomic Lore, Lore API, and Curation and Exhibition Roll-Up Services.
You can read more about Atomic Form and our team here.
What’s the difference between Atomic Lore, Lore API, and Curation Services?
Atomic Lore is an onchain registry that archives offchain information to onchain permanent storage. This allows users to associate information such as articles, exhibition information, social posts, media files, and more, to an NFT. We currently document everything on both IPFS and Arweave.

Lore API allows users to embed lore directly onto their webpage. This is great for artists or marketplaces looking to add verified context directly onto their websites.

Our Curation Service is Atomic Form’s answer to artists who don’t have enough time to document all contextual information around their NFT or Collection. We scope your project, surface the most important offchain moments, and prepare everything so all you have to do is review and approve. We help create a network of documentation, where your biographical information, collections, NFTs, and lore are all interconnected and discoverable.

Our Exhibition Roll-Up Service makes it easy to consolidate and migrate your backlog of exhibition information, ensuring your digital legacy is secure, searchable, and permanent with verified provenance.
Who is Atomic Form for?
Atomic Form is for the next generation of digital archivists. According to recent research from the Pew Research Center, approximately 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible today, meaning they are considered "lost" online. Atomic Form empowers users to document their online information onchain; both on a blockweave using Arweave and a blockchain, IPFS.Artists, collectors, curators, and cultural institutions have found Atomic Form to be a solution to backup their digital information hosted on third party webpages. This could be articles, images, social posts, and more. 
How can I contact someone at Atomic Form?
You can use our contact form, which can be found here.